Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Essence of Mandala

          Good morning, afternoon, or evening everyone!  My name is Gracsyn Prevette, and I am part of the Publicity and Editing Team here at the Mandala Fellowship, a branch off of the Classical Conversations community.  Basically, I have been assigned the job of keeping our family, friends, community, and online readers up to date with the happenings of the Mandala Fellowship.

      For those of you who are new to the Mandala Fellowship, welcome!  We are a community of select High School Graduates who seek to learn more about maths, music, and the world around us.  Many of us have been involved in the Classical Conversations community, though there are a few of our number who have never taken a course from the Classical Conversations curriculum.  Nevertheless, we have all gathered under the influence of Leigh Bortins, founder of Classical Conversations, and Caleb Skogen, the music instructor and administrator of Mandala.  The nineteen students have each been assigned to one of five villas, which we are to run and maintain during our time as Mandala Students.  Together, we are a body of christian young adults who are excitedly anticipating the adventures and experiences we will share as part of the Mandala Fellowship.

      Now that you have the basic idea of who we are, I am going to dedicate my blog to giving my readers insight into the lives of the students.  Be it outstanding conversations mentioned in our morning devotions, mind-blowing mathematical insights bequeathed from our daily math lessons, honorable mentions from one of our frequent music jam sessions, or thoughtful comments impressed into our minds from our star-gazing studies; I hope to give readers a full view of the lives and experiences of the Students of Mandala.  Beyond the classroom, each student has been given a job position which they are to fulfill; upon these I will also write.  However, the most predominate passage theme you will find in my blog will be derived from neither the classroom nor the business, but will be based on the activities we as individuals choose to spend our free time on.  I hope to comfort parents by expressing the wholesomeness of our choices, as well as wet the appetite of future Mandala generations with the anticipation of the freedoms we are entrusted with.

      In all truthfulness, this blog will greatly resemble a journal regarding the daily events of the students of the Mandala Fellowship.  It is my hope that these entries will be a comfort to parents, an informant to friends and the community, and an inspiration to the upcoming generations.  We are a unified proof that there are still youth in America who truly wish to acquire understanding and life experiences, rather than fitting into the mold set before us.  With the support from our families and community, the guidance from our superiors, the counsel of our peers, and the relationships we are building each day, the Students of Mandala will be able to accomplish any goal set before us.

1 comment:

  1. Gracsyn, I love the focus of this blog! Believe me, we parents are only half interested in seeing you make wise, adult decisions. The other half is a desire to see you live life to the fullest (within wisdom's parameters), flying with brave wings. (That's George Herbert speaking.)I am so glad to see you all living abundantly.
